The Palmetto State Bulletin
The Newsletter of the South Carolina State Council
Volume 35, Issue 8
“Ash Wednesday and Lent”
By Deacon Bob Cox, State Spiritual Advisor
Greetings my Brother Knights and families! Christmas and January have come and gone already! Now, February is on our doorstep and all that it brings! In February, we have Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent! In fact, this year Ash Wednesday and St. Valentine’s Day are on the same day, February 14, 2024! Might I suggest that you and your wife or fiancé, while fasting, begin the evening with attending Ash Wednesday services, then go out for a romantic seafood dinner!
Did you know that Ash Wednesday dates back to the 11th. century? Yet, the tradition of receiving ashes goes all the way back to the ancient Hebrew custom of clothing oneself in sackcloth and dusting oneself with ashes as a sign of penance.
Also, did you know that the Bible doesn’t necessarily detail this first day of Lent, but there are many instances of this pious act, such as in Job 16:15: “I have sewn sackcloth on my skin, laid my horn low in the dust.” And in Luke 10:13: “Woe to you, Bethsaida! For if the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented, sitting in sackcloth and ashes.” Ashes are a sign of the mortality of our human bodies. “By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:19)
My Brothers, this long tradition of promoting and recognizing ourselves as sinners looking for renewal with God, ultimately transformed into what we call today as Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent. I would suggest to you that for us, Lent is not so much about what we are giving up for Lent, but what extra deeds that we might do for Lent. As Pope Francis states, “Lent is a new beginning, a path
Inside This Issue
February 2024
leading to the certain goal of Easter, Christ’s victory over death.” “During this season of conversion, let us renew our faith, and receive with open hearts the love of God.”
This Lent, pray the Rosary daily. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily. Do something good for a stranger…be helpful and caring every day! God is Good…All the Time! Deacon Bob Cox.
“Ash Wednesday And Lent” 1 Schedule of State Wide Events 1 From the State Deputy 2 From the State Protocol Chairman 2 Patriot’s Corner 3 The Boni Agency 3 Columbus HOPE Foundation 4 State Officers and District Deputies 5 State Directors and Committee Chairmen 6
3 10
9 5-7
February 2024
Grand Knight Midyear Meeting, Columbia, SC Fourth Degree Exemplification, Lexington, SC
March 2024
State Freethrow Competition, Columbia, SC
April 2024
State Convention, Spartanburg, SC
The Palmetto State Bulletin 2 From the State Deputy
Jeffrey Crouch
Brother Knights,
We have entered the season of Lent. While we will all be busy in our own way, let us remember that Lent is a season of prepara- tion through penance and prayer. All our
works and efforts are accomplished through Jesus Christ for the greater glory of God. Let us each give back to our Lord, by taking time to truly reflect on sacrifice and our own inner conversion of heart as we seek to follow Christ’s will more faithfully.
Thank you to all who attended the Grand Knight Mid-Year meeting earlier this month. I received positive feedback about the open discussion, and more specifically the COR hour that Rick Swain led. I personally enjoyed hearing the many approaches to various activities that were shared by many different Councils. Reminder to all who attended, please share any feedback, positive or negative. We can’t improve if we do not know what you are looking for.
State Secretary State Treasurer State Advocate State Warden
In only six weeks, we will come together in Spartanburg for our 103rd State Convention. The purpose of the State Conven- tion is for all Councils throughout the State to come together in Fraternity and share and celebrate the many accomplishments of our Councils and Brother Knights. There is business that is required, and subsequently, every Council has a responsibil- ity to participate. However, we have minimized the business session to offer a more family friendly, faith-based experience for every attendee. We have also adjusted the format of our annual banquet to make it more enjoyable for all. Lastly, this year we will be offering a Fourth Degree Exemplification, which will begin at 1PM on Saturday April 6.
I pray for continued success in all your programs, activities, and efforts. Please reach out to your District Deputy for any assistance. Remember this weekend, to spend an extra five minutes in prayer, and to ask a man to become a Knight. If done in the right order, there is no stopping us!
Semper Fidelis!
February 2024
From the State Protocol Chairman
Richard A. Gabriel, PSD
Worthy Grand Knights, Faithful Navigators and Mem- bers of the State Council:
Marks of Respect for the Flag of the United States
• The National Flag should be flown daily from sunrise to sunset in good weather from public buildings, schools, permanent staff s in the open and near polling places on election days. The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is displayed. The flag may be displayed twenty-four hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.
• The flag should always be flown on national and state holidays and on those occasions proclaimed by the President. On Memorial Day, the Ensign shall be
half staffed until noon.
• The flag should be hoisted briskly and lowered cer- emoniously.
It should never be dipped to any person
or thing nor should it ever be displayed with the union down except as a signal of dire distress.
• The flag should never be allowed to touch anything beneath it, nor should it ever be carried flat or horizontally –always aloft and free.
• It should never be used as drapery or decoration,
for carrying or holding anything, or stored in such a manner that it will be damaged or soiled.
• The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in anymanner whatsoever, nor should any picture, drawing, insignia or other decoration be placed upon should not be embroidered on personal items nor printed on anything designed for temporary use and then discarded.
• When the flag is so worn or soiled that it is no longer suitable for display, it should be destroyed in a dignified manner, preferably by burning.
• For rules on Posting the Colors, please refer to the Patriotic Degree ceremonial book.
The Ceremony for Disposal of the U.S. Flag will be will be in a later edition.
During the meeting, the Chairman of the Nominating Com- mittee read the following Slate of Officers for Fraternal Year 24/25:
State Deputy
Jeffrey M. Crouch 1668 Jay Scott Friedman 6726 Sherrill Ed Wilcox 7062 Richard W. Swain 11325 Patrick J. Noone 6576

The Palmetto State Bulletin
February 2024
Patriot’s Corner
Michael Allen, PSD, DM Master, South Carolina District,
DeSoto Province“I like to see a man proud of the place in which he lives. I like to see a man live so that his place will
be proud of him.” — Abraham Lincoln
Our country has been through a lot this last year. As many people have reacted against the founding and history of the United States, I have found myself drawn towards greater patriotism. By this, I simply mean a deeper ap- preciation of what I’ve been given by my country and a growing realization of the duty I must work for the common good, here, and now. The Catechism of the Catholic Church speaks of this duty under the fourth commandment that enjoins honor not only to parents but also to anyone in authority.
It is the duty of citizens to contribute along with the civil authorities to the good of society in a spirit of truth, justice, solidarity, and freedom. The love and service of one’s country follow from the duty of grati- tude and belong to the order of charity. Submission to legitimate authorities and service of the common good requires citizens to fulfill their roles in the life of the political community (2239).
Catholics, and all people of good will, are called to a love and service of country to work for the common good. The Golden Triangle of Freedom is, when reduced to its most basic form, that freedom requires virtue; virtue requires faith; and faith requires freedom. The three go round and round, supporting one another infinitely. If any one of the three legs of the triangle is removed, the whole structure ceases to exist. John Adams related very clearly, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other”. If you take God and faith and morality out of the equation, everything inevitably falls apart. That may sound extreme, but we have many examples from Communist and Fascist countries and now even from movements within our country that ag- gressive secularism parallels a collapse of real freedom. As Catholics, we have a lot to offer our country by draw- ing from our rich intellectual and spiritual heritage. In an age of confusion, Catholics can bring greater clarity in
Our Agency Web Site–Faith-Family-
A Career Unlike Any Other Career Testimonials
Pax Domini Sit Semper Vobiscum
Patriot continued on page 4

The Palmetto State Bulletin
Columbus HOPE Foundation
Mike Allen, PSD, FDM President CHF
“We can talk about making a dif-
fence or we can make a difference.”
― Mike Allen
People with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) often need community-based long-term support and services (LTSS) to support their needs and to live as independently as possible. This includes assistance with daily activities, such as getting dressed, taking medication, preparing meals, job coaching, residential supports, and managing money. However, the nation has lacked a comprehensive, proactive national public-private system of delivery. The current system is a patchwork of inadequate funding, with the main source of federal funds provided by the Medicaid program, which requires most people to be impoverished to receive services and has a bias toward institutional settings rather than in the community.
A life in a community with the support necessary to live as independently as possible is critical for people with IDD. Medicaid is overwhelmingly the largest source of funding for long-term support and services for persons with disabilities. But currently individuals who want to receive their long-term support and services in community settings are not entitled to home and community-based services (HCBS). States have the option — but are not required — to fund HCBS programs, and the demand greatly outpaces the availability, creating waiting lists and an unknown number of people not even on the radar of the service delivery system.
Thre are currently over 500,000 people with disabilities on waiting lists for home and community-based long-term services and support. The wait can be as long as 8-10 years in some states. This crisis results in unnecessary, unwanted, and costly institutional care; the desires of people with IDD to live in and be a part of the community being denied; family members being forced to quit jobs or take on second jobs to help care for their loved one; and having to leave their loved ones unattended. And a well-trained, compensated direct support professional workforce is essential to providing the necessary support and services to our constituents where they live and work.
Support for people with disabilities can be unpredictable, unaffordable, and often unavailable. Too many families are at a breaking point because of severe underfund- ing in care programs—and it’s time for a long-overdue investment in these supports and services. It’s time for the Knights of Columbus to act.
Mike Allen, PSD, FDM President CHF
4 February 2024 Patriot continued from page 3
our national discourse on the nature of human life, virtue, and politics. We live in a time of ideological conflicts, in which the citizens of the nations of the modern world seem incapable of agreeing upon even the most basic of moral, economic, or political principles. Civil discourse has been replaced with violent protest, and reasoned dialogue with character assassination. As Catholics, we should be able to look above all of this, literally: “While the Church does not force us to reject political citizen- ship, she demands that we direct it to the heavenly, and we can do that by heeding her call to engage the world rather than conform to it.
Our ultimate good, however, is God, not the political life. Everything, all our choices, including economic and political ones, must be directed to our goal. There are not two ends to human existence, the earthly and the heavenly, there is only one end, the beatific vision”. In this way the Church informs our citizenship. Human law needs a higher law to truly bring about a just community. Unfortunately, we’re seeing that our society is no longer even trying to prevent serious vice. Catholics have an important role to play, because “the lack of religion in the citizenry leads it down the path of destruction. It Is critical that a people maintain a strong commitment to a transcendent measure of the common good to protect the true flourishing of its members. And that Sir Knights, is YOU.
Vivat Jesus
Michael A. Allen, PSD, DM 803-397-7803

The Palmetto State Bulletin 5 February 2024 STATE OFFICERS
State Deputy………………………………………………………………….Jeffrey M. Crouch………………………………….. 864-430-0938 State Chaplain ………………………………………………………………. Fr. Robert F. Higgins ……………………………… 843-540-7676 Immediate Past State Deputy. …………………………………………. Paul V. Burchell, PSD ……………………………. 803-983-5004 State Secretary ………………………………………………………………J. Scott Friedman…………………………………… 443-243-2260 State Treasurer ……………………………………………………………..Sherrrill E. (Ed) Wilcox………………………….. 803-221-5934 State Advocate ………………………………………………………………Richard Swain, PhD. ……………………………… 573-465-2402 State Warden ………………………………………………………………..Guadalupe Jimenez………………………………… 843-338-9632 District Master ……………………………………………………………… Michael Allen, PSD ……………………………….. 803-397-7803 Vice Supreme Master. ……………………………………………………. Daniel Barton, PSD ……………………………….. 843-367-1871 General Insurance Agent…………………………………………………Robert Boni, Jr………………………………………. 843-824-5632 Supreme – TGD……………………………………………………………..David Tebo……………………………………………. 203-215-8379
District No. 1 (5026, 7289, 10668, 12263) ……………………….. Richard R. Ronde ………………………………….. 631-889-3026 District No. 2 (2207, 6847, 13713)…………………………………..M. Eric Cannon……………………………………… 803-479-5905 District No. 3 (7122, 7531, 14892, 17824) ……………………….. Thomas W. O’Donnell, Sr……………………….. 413-237-5769 District No. 4 (3684, 7062) …………………………………………….. Craig S. Burgess …………………………………… 803-439-0468 District No. 5 (6629,8502, 8900, 11910) …………………………. Christopher J. Beumel.. ………………………….. 843-209-7475 District No. 6 (6884, 8295, 9576)…………………………………….Donald E. Thurlow, Jr…………………………….. 864-275-7141 District No. 7 (6891, 11325, 12554,) ……………………………….. Daniel P. Diaz ………………………………………. 406-589-7843 District No. 8 (1668, 8182, 9184, 12274, 13112) ………………. William H. Larkin………………………………….. 864-313-5066 District No. 9 (704, 6250, 6900, 17760)… ………………………… Paul F. Setti, Jr. ……………………………………… 843-813-2713 Dist No 10 (6756, 10066, 12268, 15611) . ………………………..Bruce C. Hutchison ……………………………….. 803-577-6473 District No. 11 (3067, 5086, 8980, 11028) ……………………….John H. Luse…………………………………………. 843-421-3811 District 12 (5194, 8123, 8790, 10867)………………………………Vacant
District 13 (6726, 11471, 11991) ……………………………………. Mark A. Phillips ……………………………………. 843-209-4187 District 14 (6076, 9575, 10819, 12995, 15519) …………………William E. Weiss, Jr……………………………….. 864-415-3422 District 15 (12366, 14475, 14765) …………………………………… James Carswell …………………………………….. 516-851-3675 District 16 (724, 6892, 16903). ……………………………………….. Paul C. LaRosa, III ………………………………… 803-530-4310 District 17 (7129, 15960) ……………………………………………….J. Christopher Pate ………………………………… 864-337-1707 District 18 (9475, 10334, 12472)……………………………………..Joseph G. Nesbitt…………………………………… 843-297-9873

The Palmetto State Bulletin 6 February 2024 STATE DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN
Membership Director. ……………………………………………..Brandon J. Chambers………………………. 843-224-3022 Evangelization and Faith Formation Director……………..Alexander J. Kirby………………………….. 843-607-3464 Ceremonials …………………………………………………………..Ron Stanley……………………………………. 864-415-9417 Program Director ……………………………………………………Anthony N. Zammarrelli …………………. 803-738-0862 Community Director ……………………………………………….M. Eric Cannon ……………………………… 803-479-5905 Family Director. ……………………………………………………..James Carswell ………………………………. 516-851-3675 Membership Retention Chairman. ……………………………. Michael A. Boncoddo ……………………… 864-525-0876 Council Retention/Reactivation Chairman ………………..Paul V. Burchell, PSD……………………… 803-983-5004 Online Membership Chairman………………………………….Robert Boni……………………………………. 843-824-5632 College Council Growth Coordinator………………………..Paul Setti……………………………………….. 843-813-2713 Young Adult Outreach …………………………………………….Alexander J. Kirby …………………………. 843-607-3464 Vocations Chairman ………………………………………………..Larry Papineau………………………………. 843-696-2165 Life Director.Life ……………………………………………………Malcolm Brennan …………………………….843-906-5511 Spiritual Director…………………………………………………….Rev. Mr. Robert Cox ………………………. 843-661-6057 Faith Director…………………………………………………………Michael A. Allen, PSD, FDM…………… 803-397-7803 Public Relations ……………………………………………………..David Hood……………………………………..843-814-1113 Insurance Promotion Chairman ………………………………..Robert Boni……………………………………. 843-824-5632 Audit Chairman………………………………………………………Richard E. Koehler, PSD, FM …………. 843-553-2171 Campaign for People With Intellectual Disabilities……..Michael A. Allen, PSD, DM …………….. 803-397-7803 Charities Board Chairman………………………………………..Paul Burchell, SD ………………………….. 803-983-5004 State Convention Chairman …………………………………….J. Scott Friedman . ………………………….. 440-243-2260 Hispanic Council Growth Coordinator ………………………Guadalupe R. Jimenez …………………….. 843-338-9632 Ace Wings Chairman ………………………………………………John Flinn ……………………………………… 843-475-4756 Rosary Program Chairman……………………………………….Patrick Noone ………………………………… 704-534-2890 Newsletter/Bulletin Editor ……………………………………….Stephen T. Dunlap, PSD, FVSM, FDM 843-224-7263 SC Catholic Men’s Conference…………………………………Richard Gabriel, PSD ……………………… 843-797-6804 New Council Development Chairman……………………….Paul V. Burchell, PSD……………………… 803-983-5004 Father McGivney Guild ………………………………………….James Nettles, PSD, FDM ………………. 843-830-9996 Protocol Chairman …………………………………………………Richard Gabriel, PSD . ……………………. 843-797-6804 Disaster Response Coordinator…………………………………Greg Scheuer………………………………….. 803-210-7272 Young Adult Outreach.. …………………………………………..Alexander J. Kirby …………………………. 843-607-3464 Catholic Citizenship Essay Contest ………………………….Joseph W. Friend ……………………………. 843-269-2574 Free Throw Chairman/Soccer Challenge Chairman ……M. Eric Cannon………………………………. 803-479-5905 Soccer Challenge Chairman……………………………………..M. Eric Cannon ……………………………… 803-479-5905 Special Olympics Chairman ……………………………………Reulito P. Gonzalez…………………………. 843-812-2974 Round Table Chairman . ………………………………………….Paul V. Burchell, PSD……………………… 803-983-5004 State Trainer. ………………………………………………………….Daniel E. Barton, PSD…………………….. 573-465-2402 Pilgrim Icon/Silver Rose Chairman ………………………….. Patrick Noone ………………………………. 704-534-2890 t

Palmetto State Bulletin
Knights of Columbus
South Carolina State Council
South Carolina State Council Columbiettes Officers
President –—————Caroline Paulhus Past President ————– Edith Vandemark Vice President ——–Nancy Kuffel Secretary ————– Lorraine Cato Financial Secretary -Ann Baucoe Treasurer —————– Sandra Hawkins Advocate ———– Joyce Recchia Sentinel ————–Sonja Wright