Meeting Agendas

As we are beginning to bring our Fraternal Year to a close, we have some very important business to discuss at this meeting. The first reading for the slate of officers for the 2024-2025 fraternal year was read at the last meeting, so we will be voting on the slate of officers for next year at this meeting. Please join us and make your vote count!

Other items to discuss:
In May we will be handing out flowers for Mothers Day on May 11-12th at all masses; then we have our biggest fund raiser of the year on May 14th, our golf tournament for Special Olympics; on May 18th we have our first service project for Sleep in Heavenly Peace, on June 15th we have our Chi-Town Transit Authority show at the Walhalla Performing Arts Center (everyone needs to talk to their friends and family about this show and encourage them to buy tickets!); then our last event of the Fraternal Year will be our Installation Dinner on June 25th, everyone is invited to that!

These are important events and we need your support, so remember to show up for the meeting and sign up to help where you can!

Remember, recruiting new members is everyones responsibility. Take the challenge: each Knight should invite one person to become a Knight this year.

As always, come early for a light meal starting at 6:15pm followed by the meeting starting promptly at 7:00pm at our Council Hall at 112 E. North Second St in Seneca.

If you can’t make the meeting in person, please use the below link to join via Zoom. The URL for the General Meeting is:
no passcode, no waiting room.

If you can’t make the meeting, but want to be involved in any of the events mentioned, just let me know and I’ll get you in touch with our event leader.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Thursday.
Vivat Jesus!
Tom Zavertnik
Grand Knight
Saint Gerard Majella Council 6884